Social Wellness
SOCIAL WELLNESS means being aware of, interacting with, and feeling connected to your community.
OPTIMAL SOCIAL WELLNESS is enhanced by establishing supportive social networks that include meaningful relationships, respect, and mutual trust in a context of conscious interdependence.
Know Your Campus Resources
Discover Redbird Life
Explore the Redbird Life portal, where involvement at Illinois State begins. Join and manage registered student organizations and find out about campus events, all in one place.
Contact the Student Activities Office if you're struggling to find your place on campus. Learn more about how to personally navigate campus involvement based on your major, interests, and identities.
Explore involvement and leadership opportunities
- Volunteer with the Center for Civic Engagement, which offers community service and civic engagement opportunities for students.
- Develop your leadership skills through Leadership Education and Development. This campus office facilitates the development of ethical leaders through immersive experiences and unique presentations focused on creating positive change and grounded in the discovery of individual and group potential.
- Learn about social justice, equity, and identity through the Multicultural Center, committed to building bridges between the members of the University community by developing understanding, appreciation, respect, and celebrating the diversity of its members. The Multicultural Center offers a range of services, programs, and events that support its mission.
Emotional Wellness
EMOTIONAL WELLNESS is a journey toward increased awareness, expression and acceptance of a wide range of thoughts and feelings in yourself and others.
OPTIMAL EMOTIONAL WELLNESS helps you achieve positive self-esteem, satisfying relationships, and resilience to meet life's challenges.
Know Your Campus Resources
Redbirds Reach Out
Redbirds Reach Out is a new initiative which lets students request virtual letters of support from other students. If you have been feeling down, lonely, overwhelmed, worried about a relationship or finding your place on campus, request a letter of support. Your request (minus any identifying information) will be sent to a volunteer student letter writer, who will write back to you with some encouragement or advice. Your identity, and the identity of the letter writer, will remain private. Only first names will be shared.
WellTrack Boost
Download Illinois State's free WellTrack Boost app that provides evidence-based strategies for learning how to manage anxiety. You can use it anytime, anywhere. It is easy to use and effective. Specific tools include educational videos, relaxation exercises, and mood tracking tools.
Student Counseling Services
Make an appointment with Student Counseling Services to set up an initial consultation.
- Find a therapist in the community through our Student Counseling Services Referral Database or Psychology Today.
- Need help connecting to a community provider? Schedule an appointment with a Student Counseling Services Case Manager to help answer your questions.
- For immediate help, call Student Counseling Services at (309) 438-3655. For after hours, press "2" at the prompt to speak to a counselor immediately, or dial (855) 256-2188.
Attend a Virtual Workshop, Discussion Group, or Mindfulness Class. Student Counseling Services will be offering virtual workshops and discussion groups beginning in September and through fall break. Check Redbird Life for more information.
- Workshops will cover a range of topics, including stress, anxiety, depression, connecting with others, self-care, and fostering cognitive flexibility.
- Discussion groups will be offered weekly and provide students an opportunity to connect with their peers to share their concerns, support one another, and discuss ways they address their mental health challenges.
Sign up for a 4-week free class to learn more about mindfulness. Mindfulness has amazing benefits for all areas of life such as our emotional health, ability to concentrate, and relationships.
Academic Help
Reach out to your professor or GA for help if you're struggling academically. The Visor Center can also help setup tutoring and connect you with additional resources on campus.
Physical Wellness
PHYSICAL WELLNESS involves respecting your body's own uniqueness and diversity, and engaging in practices that move you towards a higher level of health.
OPTIMAL PHYSICAL WELLNESS includes connecting with your physical self and avoiding harmful habits, while remaining focused on the balance of body-mind-spirit.
Know your campus resources
Watch this overview of Student Health Services and schedule an appointment to see a medical provider on campus.
Join virtual Group Fitness classes with Campus Recreation.
Schedule an appointment with a campus dietitian for one-on-one nutrition guidance:
- Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality Dietician, available to all students with a campus meal plan
- Health Promotion and Wellness nutrition consultation, available to all students
Join the registered student organization, Sober Redbirds, which meets weekly on Wednesday and Friday evenings on campus. Read about the Sober Redbirds Weekly Recovery Groups for further information and details.
Financial Wellness
FINANCIAL WELLNESS is a state of healthy living through active pursuit of financial knowledge, planning, and goal setting.
OPTIMAL FINANCIAL WELLNESS is not about being wealthy; it consists of making sound financial decisions that allow you to live within your means and plan for your economic future.
Know your campus resources
Office of Financial Aid
Contact the Office of Financial Aid with your questions specific to financial aid.
Illinois State's COVID-19 Redbird Response Fund
Find out more information about this student response fund and the CARES Act application.
School Street Food Pantry
Gain access to food and other supplies through the School Street Food Pantry, an organization dedicated to providing local college and trade school students with food, supplies, and knowledge about other resources in the community.
Take Control of Your Finances
Your Account Status
View the status of your financial aid and online billing statement at under the Finances tab.
Understanding Your Budget
Check out CashCourse, a free, online financial education resource designed specifically for college and university students. The budgeting tools help you manage your resources and identify areas for improvement.
Navigating the Aid Process & Your Student Loans
View your total outstanding loan balance and review different payment plan options following graduation through the federal aid website
Intellectual Wellness
INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS involves lifelong learning through your formal education and informal life experiences.
OPTIMAL INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS increases your openness to new ideas and your ability to maintain a sense of humor, creativity, and curiosity.
Know your campus resources
Explore the many majors and programs Illinos State offers. Additionally, you can learn about pre-professional pathways and interdisciplinary programs. You can also improve your study skills, time management, and more with the Julia N. Visor Academic Center
Books, research, and more
Visit Milner Library to search the vast catalog, look through their collections, and see what other services are available to our Redbird community.
Vocational Wellness
VOCATIONAL WELLNESS allows us to express talents, passion, and personal values.
OPTIMAL VOCATIONAL WELLNESS is nurtured by matching your core values with interests, hobbies, employment, volunteer activities, and community service.
Know your campus resources
Career Services
- Speak with a career advisor about choosing a major, exploring career options, and more.
- Learn what makes a good resume and have a professional review it for you.
- Look for upcoming career fairs or practice your interview skills.
Explore Job Opportunities
Search student positions, faculty/staff openings, graduate assistantships, and more on the Illinois State jobs site.
Human Resources
- Explore the department of Human Resources and learn about employee benefits.
Spiritual Wellness
SPIRITUAL WELLNESS involves developing an inner connection and harmony between yourself and the wonder, majesty, and mystery of the universe.
OPTIMAL SPIRITUAL WELLNESS can be achieved when our core values and beliefs tie us to a sense of something larger than ourselves and empower us to act according to those beliefs.
Know your campus resources
Campus Religious Center
The Campus Religious Center which serves as home to many of the University's religious organizations, including the United Campus Christian Foundation, New Covenant Community, Judson Baptist Fellowship, and the Lutheran Student Movement.
Other ways to connect
- Connect to nature through Campus Recreation Adventure Programs
- Experience a Group Fitness Class with a mind/body focus
- Attend a Koru Mindfulness class with Health Promotion and Wellness.
- Pray, meditate, and/or reflect in a dedicated space in the Multicultural Center
Religious accomdation procedures
Illinois State University has an enduring commitment to diversity and inclusive excellence, including religious diversity. As part of this commitment, the University provides reasonable accommodations for students’ sincerely held religious beliefs or practices unless the University determines that such an accommodation would fundamentally alter the curriculum or academic program. It is recommended any student seeking religious accommodations request 30 days prior to the desired accommodation by filling out the religious accommodation form
Environmental Wellness
ENVIRONMENTAL WELLNESS includes living in harmony with the earth by understanding the impact of your interaction with nature and your personal environment, and taking action to protect the world around you.
OPTIMAL ENVIRONMENTAL WELLNESS includes regular opportunities to relax, reflect, and restore all of our senses and to take actions to protect our natural environment.
Know your campus resources
Sustainability on campus
The Office of Sustainability is the campus leader on sustainability initiatives. They are dedicated to creating a culture of sustainability at ISU through interdisciplinary and inclusive collaboration with students, faculty, and staff.
- Interact with the Illinois State University Campus Green Map.
- Visit and volunteer for the Illinois State University Horticulture Center.
- Watch “Water Speaker Series Dr. Ken Conca” hosted by the ISU Center for a Sustainable Water Future.
- Discover where and how to recycle on campus with University Recycling OR off campus with the Town of Normal Drop Box Recycling Locations.
- Enact social change through community service with ISU Alternative Breaks.