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2022 Conference Sessions

Please choose a session below to view offerings for each.

Section list

Opening Keynote

8:30 - 9:30 a.m.


Stan Pearson II is an Award-Winning Speaker, & Celebrity Media Coach.

His charismatic style and delivery is entertaining, engaging, & funny! He’s been featured on Yahoo Finance, NBC, ABC & National Television as a leading expert guest on numerous occasions. From Capitol Hill Staffer to Spanish-speaking salsa dancer, Stan earned his Bachelors in Spanish & his MBA to help develop a well-rounded understanding of his ability & surroundings. He uses his research, expertise & life experience to help people change themselves from the inside out. His influence always encourages people to know that they’re good, great, and worth it, And beyond all else, Effort on Fire, Beats Knowledge on Ice.

visit: to learn more.

Concurrent Sessions A

9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Concurrent Sessions A.1 - A.3

A.1. Creating a Wellness Mindset Using Mindfulness

Presenters: Jim Almeda & Misia Grzybowski
In the world that we live in today, more people are struggling with managing stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and lonely. We have to balance the demands on our time with work, home, relationships, and the increasing use of technology. Not to mention the negative impact that COVID has had. These are not easy "fixes," but there is something simple that we can all do during every moment of our lives that can make a big impact in a positive way. Come learn how to practice some mindfulness techniques to help you create a wellness mindset and find calm in the midst of chaos. We will explain the Koru Mindfulness program that we use, which is used all over the country, and has been found to help students, staff, and faculty better manage the challenges they face.

A.2. Neurodiversity at Illinois State University - How You Can Shape a Future of Acceptance

Presenters: Lori Henehan & Dr. Charles Boudreaux
“Neurodiversity” is in part a biological phenomenon and in part a cultural phenomenon. ;Learning about the culture of neurodiversity will widen your perspective for students and colleagues with brains that function in different, creative ways than the mainstream. ;This strengths based, positive approach will alter your view of outside the box thinkers. Come learn how proper niche construction can mold the future for neurodivergent students and how you can support and provide a community of understanding and acceptance. Come with your ideas to motivate each other in the ongoing support of neurodiversity on ISU's campus.

A.3. The Cost of Empathy: Compassion Fatigue and Finding Comfort

Presenters: Stephanie Thompson & Bridget Reeland
As student affairs professionals, we are consistently exposed to students in crisis. As staff drawn to a caring profession, our empathy enables us to provide the best support but likewise exposes us to secondary trauma and compassion fatigue. Particularly given the past two years, how do we find comfort in times of distress? Our jobs are important, but so is our own well-being. This session will focus on familiarizing participants with secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and healthy responses to distress for themselves, peers, and supervisees.

Concurrent Sessions B

11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions B.1. - B.3.

B.1. Re-Engaging Students in Their Career Development Post-Pandemic

Presenters: Mariaton Tate, Quanisha Kumi-Darfour, Deb Ungson-Walbert & Renee Carrigan
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted student engagement in essential career development activities, including networking, making meaningful faculty connections, and gaining relevant experience. As we continue toward stabilization, now is the time to re-engage our students in their career development. Join us as we reflect on student experiences and career development trends. Come prepared to share ideas on how we can center career development in our conversations with students.

B.2. Meaning and Motivation: Using Structured Mentorship to Enhance the Learning Experiences of Student Employees

Presenter: Dr. Adam Peck
If you ask most student affairs professionals what motivates them to do the work they do, they will frequently answer that they want to make a difference in the lives of students. Our relationships with student employees offer a source of inspiration and energy that often extends well beyond these students' time at ISU. In this session, we'll discuss how a pilot student employee development program in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs helped students develop and grow - and also provided motivation and meaning to our professional staff as well.

B.3. S.A.L.S.A Therapy

Presenter: Stan Pearson II
Imagine taking one of the most fun dances in the world and turning it into a way to relax, rejuvenate and reignite your passion for your work and development. You don't have to imagine anymore. In this therapy session, we will plug support, action, learning, strength, and acceptance into an activity regardless of your ability, knowledge base, or comfort level. We'll discuss confidence, collaboration, and even working with difficult people. So bring an open mind & a friend or two, and prepare for a great experience.

Concurrent Sessions C

1:20 - 2:20 p.m. Concurrent Sessions C.1. – C.3.

C.1. Life Hack 101! The Little Things that Save Us Time and Sanity

Presenter: Natalie R. Alexander
Forget your speaker? Put your phone in a bowl and boost the volume! Get distracted working through emails in Outlook? Click the globe icon and work offline (no more new emails until you click again)! We were forced to rethink our ways, but it created an environment for learning and innovation. So let's honor those achievements and share our new knowledge! Be prepared to share life hacks from any or all of the following: Work, Life, Technology, or Fun. Even if you don't have one to share, come, catch your breath. You will surely think of one when you get here!

C.2. Doing It All: Working Full Time While Working Towards A Degree

Presenters: Annie Weaver, Jamie Neville, Kacy Rader, Lisa Lawless, Harriett Steinbach, Joseph Thomas, Quanisha Kumi-Darfour & Tamekia Bailey
Have you thought about starting a new college degree while working at ISU full time? Join our panel discussion and hear from staff who have pursued degrees (both masters and doctorates) while working at ISU! We will have staff who are amid their programs (both at ISU and elsewhere) and those who have completed their journeys. Come ask your burning questions about going (back) to school!

C.3. Leadership for Liberation

Presenters: Tashay Dennie & Mallory Jallas
Centering the Leadership for Liberation framework, this presentation will provide an overview of the Leadership for Liberation framework. This presentation will also discuss the collaboration project between the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) unit of the Dean of Students Office and Milner Library designed to explore the interconnections between community-centered leadership, cultural preservation, and academic libraries.

All Staff Session

Session with Christina Fontenelle

2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Christina Fontenelle

Christina E. Fontenelle is a tri-lingual Holistic Health Coach. She identifies as an Afro-Latina Artist that focuses on psychotherapy and works from an Expressive Arts multi-modal approach specializing in Art & Dance/Movement Therapy. She is also the author of Aligning Your Inner Self Mediation Journal.

She attained her Masters of Arts in Art Therapy from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) known as one of the most influential programs in North America and internationally. Christina also graduated from 92Y Harkness Dance Center’s Alternate Route Dance/Movement Therapy program in New York.

Christina is the CEO & Founder of two mental health companies Fontenelle Art & Aligning Your Inner Self. Fontenelle Art LLC is a Mental Health & Creative Arts Wellness company that aims to serve communities by providing Art & Movement-based approaches to professional development, mental health awareness, and community cohesion to help you Align Your Inner Self. Aligning Your Inner Self provides 1:1 life coaching to help individuals strategize effective ways to shift your life to live a purpose-filled life.


For more information, contact Angell Howard, Associate Director of Professional Development and Staff Recognition, at or (309) 438-0803.