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2023 Conference Sessions

Please choose a session below to view offerings for each.

Sections List

Opening Keynote

8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Potrait of Dr. Kathy L. Guthrie

Dr. Kathy L. Guthrie is a professor in the higher education program, director of the Leadership Learning Research Center, and coordinator of the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies at Florida State University. She currently serves as editor for the New Directions in Student Leadership series and has authored and co-authored over 80 referred articles and book chapters. She has co-authored and co-edited 10 books. Guthrie has been honored as a NASPA Pillar of the Profession and as an ACPA Diamond Honoree. Her research focuses on leadership learning, culturally relevant and socially just leadership education, and student affairs professional development. She graduated from ISU in 2000 with her Masters of Science in College Student Personnel.

Concurrent Sessions A

9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Concurrent Sessions A.1 - A.3


Diving In: Navigating Imposter Syndrome
How did I get here? Am I truly qualified to be in this position? How can I lead students when I was just one not that long ago? Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological pattern in which individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a fraud, despite evidence of their competence. People can feel imposter syndrome at many stages in life, but the most when starting a new position or role. This session will assist staff in navigating feelings of anxiousness and doubt in their positions within Student Affairs and aid in tips for jumping in confidently with both feet.
Presenter: Samantha Schultz


Envisioning the Future of Student Affairs Graduate Preparation Programs
Student affairs graduate preparation programs have been challenged by declining interest in the field amidst a proliferation of programs. At the same time, student affairs leaders are being called upon to prioritize workplace satisfaction and retention following an exodus of many early and mid-level student affairs professionals over the last few years (NASPA, 2022). Join this session as we share what we are learning from the CSPA program review process and engage in dialogue on how we adapt to the changing needs of graduate students and departments.
Presenter: Marci Rockey


Safe Redbird's App: Keeping You Safe, One Click At A Time
Abstract: Need directions to a campus building? Walking to your car alone after dark? See something you need to report to authorities? Would you know what to do if there were an emergency in your workspace? The Safe Redbird app can help you do all these things and more. Join us for a deep dive into what safety features and helpful information is available, all in one easy-to-navigate application. The app has interactive tools, incredibly helpful maps and displays, and a shortcut to all the University's safety links. Safety starts with you, the Safe Redbird app can help!
Presenter: Teresa Chapman


Rethinking Programs And Practices By Reducing, Refusing, Reusing, And Recycling
This session will focus on small steps you can make at home and at work to promote more sustainable practices. We will explore ways the Division of Student Affairs and the University as a whole have begun rethinking processes with a sustainability lens in order to reduce waste, bring down costs and excess materials, increase awareness and knowledge, and promote environmentally- and person-friendly practices. This session will be interactive and involve individual, small group, and whole group idea generation and planning.
Presenter: Christine Bruckner

Concurrent Sessions B

11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions B.1. - B.4.


How to Train Your Ducklings: Supervising Students 101
We (jokingly) call our student employees on EMDH's marketing team "ducklings." This nickname came about when we noticed they would follow Megan or I around in a line. It became the perfect metaphor to describe what a supervisor is to a student, a guide who teaches, protects, and helps their ducklings grow.
Presenters: Elena Roth and Megan Slater

B.2. to New Heights! A personal inquiry using S.O.A.R analysis
If asked, you probably would know what the S.O.A.R. analysis is - a framework used to drive strategic planning and success. Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results. Have you ever thought about using the S.O.A.R. analysis as an introspective exercise to help guide your personal and professional journey and empower your decisions? Building on a professional development exercise created by Dr. Juan Guardia and Dr. Monica Miranda, you will leave this session with a completed S.O.A.R. analysis and a place to start a personal strategic plan that highlights your unique skills and talents. Come READY to SET yourself up to GROW and SOAR!
Presenter: Natalie R. Alexander


Introducing the Undocumented and HOUSE Student Liaisons
In 2022, the state of Illinois enacted two crucial laws to extend support to students who may be undocumented, homeless, or in care of state. Compliance with these laws necessitated higher education institutions across the state to appoint two liaisons who could cater to the needs of these student populations. Through this informative presentation, you will understand the two pivotal laws and obtain valuable insights into the unique challenges undocumented, homeless, or state care students face. You will also learn how we, as an institution, can effectively enhance our support system and become an ally.
Presenters: Joseph Thomas and Ron Givens


Redbird Care Team Case Management: What is it & how do we do it?
Learn what the Redbird Care Team does, who is a part of that team, how we collaborate with others on campus & the community, how to report a case, and how they impact student retention and graduation.
Presenters: Andy Morgan and Stacey Mwilambwe

Concurrent Sessions C

1:20 - 2:20 p.m. Concurrent Sessions C.1. – C.3.


The Role of Campus Partners in Supporting Student Health, Wellbeing, and Safety
Dr. Kilmer shares the most recent evidence-based research on how substance use and misuse negatively impact student health, well-being, and, therefore, retention.The impacts of high-potency cannabis will be discussed, making it known that these strains do not occur in nature and that the potency levels have increased six-fold since the 1970s. Dr. Kilmer will also discuss the harms associated with simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana. These findings are particularly relevant to those of us working directly with students. Because of this relationship, we are best poised to make an impact on their understanding of the risks involved with using these substances.
Presenters: Jason Kilmer and Nikki Brauer


Transforming Complaints into Opportunities: Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques
In "Transforming Complaints into Opportunities," attendees will learn the basics of motivational interviewing, a valuable tool in personal and professional settings. The presentation provides an easy-to-use script for redirecting difficult conversations and complaints, with a focus on applications in student affairs. This technique can be used with customers, students, colleagues, and employees, providing attendees with a useful skill set for resolving conflicts in a positive and productive way.
Presenters: Kinsey Hutchinson and Krista Gooris


Improving Student Services by Increasing Online Access & Streamlining Data
Accessing services online anytime is an expectation. While we still have our work cut out in higher education to provide complete online access and support 24/7/365, we're making progress. In the last year, several Student Affairs areas updated procedures allowing students to request services at their convenience. Learn what technology was used, how processes and procedures were altered, and how the staff benefited from streamlining their data during this session.
Presenters: Erin Thomas and Jill Benson

Afternoon Keynote

2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Rahiem White

A. Raheim White is a wellness specialist, mindfulness master, keynote speaker and the author of Mindfulness Matters: How To Live The Joy-Filled Life You Desire & Deserve. Raheim earned their bachelors and masters of fine arts degrees in dance performance & choreography from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and New York University Tisch School of the Arts with a semester study at the Taipei National University of the Arts. They are a 200-hr certified yoga instructor, social-emotional learning facilitator, Reiki Master-Teacher, and Akashic Record Reader. For their contributions to Chicago’s LGBTQ community, Raheim received a Windy City Times’ 30 Under 30 Award.

Raheim desires to be a beacon of Light to aid others in becoming more authentically empowered through mindfulness, movement, meditation, infinite possibilities, and radiant joy. Find out more at


For more information, contact Angell Howard, Associate Director of Professional Development and Staff Recognition, at or (309) 438-0803.